Design and construct information systems for business processes and utilize them for effective decision making.
Number | Title | Description | Credit(s) |
BAOS 300x | Sales Data Analysis and Communication Using Spreadsheets and Statistics |
This course gives students domestic sales records containing detailed information including store number, sales region, item number, item description, unit price, units sold, and date of sale. Students will work with the data using spreadsheet technologies such as Microsoft Excel to apply a number of spreadsheet formulas on the data, aggregate the data using pivot tables, summarize data, and create charts and tables with summary data. Students will also apply measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) as they relate to sales data. They also arrive at measures of variability (e.g., range, standard deviation, and variance) on different segments of sales data and calculate measures of relative positon (e.g., percentiles, quartiles, and interquartile ranges). Students demonstrate an understanding of these statistical concepts and how to compute them with formulas in spreadsheets. Students will then use this information to complete a written report for the CEO as well as a PowerPoint presentation for the Board of Directors. Students will also demonstrate their editing capabilities by revising a colleague’s memo and complete an evaluation/reflection of the primary deliverables. Required text (effective August, 2022 and later): Joshua N. Milligan, Learning Tableau 2020: Create effective data visualizations, build interactive visual analytics, and transform your organization, 4th Edition. ISBN-13: 978-1800200364, ISBN-10: 1800200366. Successful completion of this course satisfies credit equivalents in the following competency areas: Information Systems (0.5), Business Statistics (0.8), and Business Communication (0.7).
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BAOS 301x | Database Design and Development |
In this course, students are given a hypothetical business scenario. Students need to analyze the data needs and arrive at a database design including database entities, attributes, and relationships for the scenario. They have to construct a database and populate it with data. In addition, students need to demonstrate mastery of designing and running queries and reports in the database to obtain meaningful information needed for business decision making. Required text: None.
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BAOS 302x | Building Competitive Advantage Using Information Systems |
Students are given a hypothetical business scenario. Students need to analyze processes and construct process diagrams to document them. Then they need to arrive at use case models for a hypothetical information system that helps implement the business processes. They also need to analyze the security vulnerabilities of the proposed information system and articulate how information systems help build competitive advantage. Required text: None.
Prerequisites |
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BAOS 303x | Enterprise Systems and E-Commerce |
Students are given a hypothetical business scenario. Students need to analyze what type of enterprise-wide systems are needed for the business. They also need to be able to present preliminary designs for the enterprise systems, articulate the usefulness of E-Commerce systems for the given business scenario, and document the requirements of the E-Commerce systems. Students need to provide details of different infrastructure components needed for the E-Commerce system and communicate plans for the E-Commerce system to key stakeholders, including how the solution will be measured and monitored in terms of effectiveness. Required text: Glenn, Cheryl and Loretta Grey, The Hodges Harbrace Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition, 17th Edition. ISBN: 978-0495797562 Successful completion of this course satisfies credit equivalents in the following competency areas: Information Systems (0.5) and Business Communication (0.5).
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