The Time Management Calculator will help you understand how you are currently spending your time throughout your week. Begin by entering the number of credits you are taking this subscription period and how you currently spend your time. You can then use the calculator to see how small changes can help you organize your time in a way that works best for your needs and your goals.
Note: The calculator automatically calculates your study time based on the number of credits you are taking. In a traditional college setting, it is assumed that each credit hour equals one hour of class time and three hours of study time. In UW Flexible Option, you set the pace and progression of your work. So, refer to “study time” as an estimate, you may need more or less time for your coursework depending on a variety of factors.
- Study Time: 0 hours / 0%
- Work: 0 hours / 0%
- Sleep: 0 hours / 0%
- Eat: 0 hours / 0%
- Exercise: 0 hours / 0%
- Commute: 0 hours / 0%
- Relationships: 0 hours / 0%
- Fun: 0 hours / 0%
- Household Responsibilities: 0 hours / 0%
- Other: 0 hours / 0%
- Hours Remaining: 168 hours / 100%
Please check out the following resources to help you with organizing your coursework, commitments, tasks, and overall time. Contact your Success Coach with any questions.